Management Consulting-Full Time Associate Positions (Students studying outside Japan)の求人情報 (33454)

ZS アソシエイツ

Management Consulting and Technology

Management Consulting-Full Time Associate Positions (Students studying outside Japan)


Positions for undergraduate and graduate students (excluding MBA candidates) 1. Strategy Insights & Planning Associate (SIPA) SIPAs work with their project teams to develop insights from desk research and market research, both qualitative and quantitative, that help our clients solve their most important business problems, engage with clients to help them understand their implications, and make plans to act on them. 2. Decision Analytics Associate (DAA) DAAs work with their project teams to extract insights from quantitative data using advanced analytic techniques developed in tools such as R, Python, and ZS proprietary software that help our clients solve their most important business problems, engage with clients to help them understand their implications and make plans to act on them. 3. Business Technology Solutions Associate (BTSA) BTSAs collaborate with both ZS internal teams and client teams to aid in solution shaping and implementation of world-class technology solutions addressing our client’s critical business challenges. Key responsibilities include collaborating with multiple client stakeholders and ZS team members for requirements gathering, testing, roll-out, and operations. BTASs also act as the interface between the client and the ZS offshore development and operations teams to enable the timely resolution of issues.


In the ZS Tokyo and Osaka offices we are helping our client companies achieve success in the rapidly changing Japanese healthcare environment. Since 1983, ZS has had a strong track record of working with pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers to address their important business questions, primarily in the areas of market access, marketing, sales, and technology and operations. We established our Tokyo office in 2003 and our Osaka office in 2018 to provide services more deeply rooted in the Japan market. Combined, the ZS Japan offices have over 100 consultants with rich project experience across more than 50 domestic and global healthcare companies. ZSアソシエイツは1983年に米国で設立された戦略コンサルティングファームで、世界35+ヶ所のオフィスに12,000+ 名以上のプロフェッショナルが在籍しています。 緻密で客観的な分析に基づく提案は顧客企業から定評があり、1,000社を超えるグローバル企業の経営層から厚い信頼を得ています。 経営課題の中でも営業、マーケティング分野に強いフォーカスを持ち、戦略の策定から実行まで顧客企業にとって欠かせない役割を担っています。 外資系、日系を問わず顧客の多くがグローバル企業であることから、他国のZSオフィスとチームを編成することが極めて頻繁にあります。 また東京・大阪オフィスにも外国籍のコンサルタントが多く在籍しており、メールや会議、日常会話においても日本語と英語の両言語が用いられます。 国内外の関係者と深い議論を重ね、プロジェクトを遂行する経験を積むことで、言語や文化の差を越えてチームやクライアントをリードできる戦略コンサルタントとして成長することができます。 ZSersはプロジェクトワークだけではなく、有志で様々なイニシアチブを立ち上げ、取り組んでいます! ◆ZS CARES (Corporate Social Responsibility) CSRの取り組みの一つとして、有志で集まったコンサルタントでNPO団体に自ら掛け合い、プロボノプロジェクトに取り組んでいます。 ◆Women's Leadership Initiative (WLI) ZS活躍する女性のキャリアをサポートするための社内の様々な取り組みに携わっており、男女問わずZS全体で積極的に取り組んでいます。 ZSが求める人材 - 高いモチベーションを持って自主的に行動できる方 - 異なる考えを尊重できるチームプレーヤーである方 - 困難な状況も楽しんで乗り越えることができる方 - 膨大で複雑なデータや調査結果から洞察を導き出す知的タフネスを持つ方


学生(職務経験なし) 学生(職務経験あり) 転職者
修士・大学院 学士・大学 博士 交換留学
日本語 : 上級レベル 英語 : 上級レベル
Qualifications for positions for undergraduate and graduate students (excluding MBA candidates) 1. Strategy Insights & Planning Associate (SIPA) Bachelor's or master's degree with a strong record of academic success in business, economics, marketing, psychology, sociology, physical or life sciences, or other similar fields. Native-level Japanese and a minimum of business-level English are required. 2. Decision Analytics Associate (DAA) Bachelor's or master's degree with a strong record of academic success in operations research, applied mathematics, management science, data science, statistics, econometrics, engineering, or other fields with an emphasis on quantitative coursework. Proficiency in a programming language or analytic tool such as R, Python, Tableau, or VBA is strongly preferred. A minimum of business-level Japanese and English is required. 3. Business Technology Solutions Associate (BTSA) Bachelor's or master’s degree with a strong record of academic success in computer science, MIS, IT or other computer-related discipline. A minimum of business-level Japanese and English is required. Qualifications for SIPA, DAC, and BTSA also include: • High motivation, good work ethic, maturity, and personal initiative • Effective oral and written communication skills • Empathy, adaptability, and emotional intelligence • Strong attention to detail, with a quality-focused mindset • Self-discipline for planning and organizing tasks • Aptitude for, and enjoyment of, working in teams



東京(虎ノ門ヒルズビジネスタワー) 大阪(梅田ツインタワーズ・サウス)


Office hours are 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday.


ZS Japan offers a competitive compensation package with salary and housing allowance, complete medical/life insurance programs, and pension benefits. Associate compensation is as mentioned below: Undergraduate: First year annual salary: 5,500,000 Yen Masters: First year annual salary 6,000,000 Yen Rent Subsidy: ・Tokyo/Osaka: 80,000 yen per month (960,000 yen per year) Bonuses and a few other allowances (commute, language learning assistance etc.) are in addition to the above.


Days off per week: Saturday and Sunday - All national holidays observed - 15 days of annual vacation initially, then 20 days annually after completing three years of employment -Additional leave programs include congratulatory or condolence leave, maternity leave, sick leave, childcare leave, nursing care leave


エントリー後の採用プロセスは以下の通りです。 ▼ 書類選考  ▼ 面接(複数回) ▼ オファー



HR 新卒採用担当




# 必須 /任意, 設問回答形式 質問内容
1 【必須】 複数選択式

Have you ever applied to ZS Associates?

  • Yes
  • No
2 【任意】 記述式

If yes, when and on which website did you apply?

3 【必須】 複数選択式

What would be your preferred track of application? (Please note, the ZS team will review all applications and determine the best match between the candidate’s skills/ experience and the roles. Hence, should you proceed to the interview rounds, your preference and our role alignment for you might differ.)

  • Strategy Insights & Planning
  • Decision Analytics
  • Business Technology Solutions
  • No Preference
4 【任意】 記述式

If you did indicate a preferred role above, why did you select that role? (You may leave this section blank if you selected “No Preference”)

5 【必須】 単一選択式

What is your first preferred ZS joining location?

  • Tokyo
  • Osaka
  • Any location is fine
6 【必須】 単一選択式

What is your second preferred ZS joining location?

  • Tokyo
  • Osaka
  • Any location is fine