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Featured Online Event

Why participate in CFN Live Online?

  • Participating companies are actively recruiting global talents like you!
    Efficient way to get to know companies and industries. Visit company's "virtual" table and start talking.
  • Connect with other job seekers who have study abroad or overseas experience. Join tables based on graduation year, exchange/full-time student, and more!
  • CFN staff are available to answer questions about your job hunting!

Past CFN Live Online Participant Voices

  • I was able to listen to company explanations at random, which was useful for researching the industry. I was able to learn about companies I didn't know and broaden my horizons.

  • The free talk time with other job seekers helped me connect with others with similar backgrounds as well as interests in the same field/industry.

  • Being Able to freely visit company's table allowed me to familiarize myself talking to employers.

  • Learning about other industries opened up new opportunities.

Future Events

29 (Mon.)
CFN Live Online: Industry Top Players 1

5 (Mon.)
CFN Live Online: Industry Top Players 2

26 (Mon.)
CFN Live Online: 5 Major Shosha Companies

7 (Sat.)
CFN Live Online

Companies including those attending Boston Career Forum are expected to participate.

17 (Tue.)
CFN Live Online: Gaming Industry

5 (Sat.)
CFN Live Online

Companies including those attending Boston Career Forum are expected to participate.

※Date/content may change.