Japanese | English

We connect you with candidates from all over the world,
including students with study abroad experience, MBA graduates,
experienced professionals, work authorization holders, and more!

Pay only upon successful hire!
We work as your recruiter, connecting you with excellent candidates
from our growing bilingual database.
Agents works closely with candidates to introduce the best talents
for a time efficent and cost effective hire.

*This service is for employers in Japan and U.S. only.

Global Talent Recruiting Service
(U.S. & Japan Only)

  • Less risk, cost effective service.
    Because the service is contingency based, there is no fee to pay upfront. A fee will incur only when the candidate you selected accepts your offer.

  • Provide Support for an effective recruitment.
    Agents will collect and screen applications to set up interviews for you, efficiently connecting you with only qualified candidates.

  • Find and approach your target candidates.
    CFN can post & share your job information to a specific audience. Not only will we approach possible candidates, but also create opportunity for candidates to learn more about your company, sparking their interest.

  • Customization to meet your needs.
    Our agents will work with you to propose a customized recruiting plan that works with your schedule and meets your recruiting needs.

    *Contingency based fee, dependent on candidate hire.
    *CFN Agent is available to companies hiring for offices located in the U.S. and Japan.
    *CFN staff can represent your company at a Career Forum for an additonal fee.

Recommended for companies like these

  • Wishing to recruit a specific demographic group(s)

  • Wishing to make early contact with top-ranked university 1st and 2nd year students.

  • Having difficulty displaying and promoting as a global company.