Japanese | English

3 reasons why using CFN Online

  • Effectively
    reach global talent

    Extensive database of Japanese-English bilinguals.

    * CFN organizes and executes Boston Career Forum, the largest recruitment event for Japanese-English bilinguals.

  • Recruit from anywhere
    in the world at anytime

    Conduct seminars, start/end recruitment based on your hiring schedule
  • Cost Effective

    Minimize recruiting cost by accepting applications, screening, and interviewing all online.
CFN Online is a job posting service that allows you to recruit talented bilinguals from the world’s largest database of bilingual candidates .

Features of CFN Online

  • Post up to 10 positions

  • A complete management system to post positions, accept and review applications

  • Connect directly with candidates that match your needs through web mail

  • Upload videos to showcase your company, products and services

  • Easily set and conduct seminars to target audiences

  • Efficiently set up meetings and interviews with applicants through the online interview system

How to use the service

Job postings can be posted in as little as three business days after registration

  • Inquiry
  • Service introduction and proposal from a sales rep.
  • Contract
  • Creation of your job posting
  • Start job postings


  • What kind of students are registered to CFN?
    Past events have shown that a large number of the students are degree seeking students from Japan studying abroad and students from top-ranked Japanese university on an exchange program. In terms of English proficiency, about 70% are advanced or above, and about 20% are intermediate.
  • I have the impression that major and well-known companies exhibit at the Boston Career Forum, but are there any employment opportunities at companies that are not well-known?
    The tendency of candidates with study abroad or overseas experience is to focus not on company size or name recognition, but on their own career path, such as job description, how they can utilize their skills, and future prospects, and there are employment opportunities at all companies.
  • Can we recruit for an internship position?
    Yes. You can also recruit for internship positions. Many companies have posted internships on CFN in the past.
  • Is there a start or end date for the service?
    CFN Online is an online service that is always open. You can choose the start date and contract period depending on your company's recruitment needs. For more details, please contact us using the inquiry form.(Please indicate "request CFN Online service material" in the inquiry form.)