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Interview01 GoldmanSachs Profile Goldman Sachs Japan Equity Derivatives Sales, Securities Division Ami Connolly Princeton University ’07

なぜこの業界に興味を持ったのですか?How did you get interested in the finance industry?

As an East Asian Studies major who considered playing cello professionally, I admittedly did not know much about the industry. I enjoyed and excelled at being the Public Relations chair of my orchestra, and interned at a major PR firm in New York. However, the pace and the level of creativity made me wonder whether the work would keep me engaged over the long term. My sister who worked in finance and my college friends going into the industry told me there were many different divisions and roles; they encouraged me to explore it. My first interview with Goldman Sachs was memorable - I was impressed by how sharp and open-minded my interviewer was. His description of Sales across Equities and Fixed Income excited me. It was clear the firm’s clients were important to him and he enjoyed his job even after ten years. Throughout the interview process, I felt he and other employees were invested and focused on finding a role that best suited me. After I started work, my teammates gave me countless hours of training and support. Despite the steep learning curve, I found that the skills I had developed through years of practice, competitions, and performing on stage complemented the demands of my job. I found I was able to stay calm under pressure even in the competitive and fast-paced environment of the trading floor. I was also encouraged when my managers gave me responsibility and opportunities to grow - such as covering key clients, going on solo business trips, and full ownership of the convertible bond and then credit businesses - much earlier in my career than I had expected.

メイン業務を簡単に説明してください。What are your key responsibilities?

I cover non-Japanese Hedge Funds and Institutional Clients across equities, equity derivatives, convertible bonds, and credit products. I help clients come up with investment ideas across the capital structure. I also work closely with our traders to price and trade products that are not available on an exchange. This is valuable as these products can be opaque - it is our goal to make the market as transparent as possible. My cross-asset role is unique to Goldman Sachs and I find it exciting because I can look across a number of different products and themes. The breadth of knowledge allows me to better cover our clients. I feel particularly rewarded in my role when my clients start trading Japanese products on the back of the work I have done with them and when they demonstrate that they trust and value our relationship.

働く上で一番のモチベーションは何ですか?What do you find most motivating about your role?

When I interviewed at Goldman Sachs, an interviewer told me that teamwork was extremely important to its employees. When I started working, I was surprised by how accurate this was. My team spent countless hours teaching me how to do my job and encouraging me to talk to clients and execute trades. My colleagues also worked with each other to come up with the best trade ideas and coverage for their clients. Throughout my ten year career, my responsibilities have shifted to covering my own clients and building my own business, but it remains important for me to know that my teammates, traders, and colleagues across other desks support me.

就活生へのアドバイスを1つお願いします。If you could give one piece of advice to students, what would it be?

Be open - minded. If I had not listened to my college friends’ advice and explored the finance industry, I would have never applied for a job at Goldman Sachs. If I had not shown up to my first interview, I would have never known that successful people here could have completely different personalities, backgrounds, and styles. We are looking for bright and driven individuals.

Interview02 Bank or America Merrill Lynch Profile メリルリンチ日本証券株式会社 投資銀行部門 投資銀行部 アソシエイト 佐保百合子(YURIKO SAHO) 2017年入社

入社を決めたきっかけは? インターンシップは役立ちましたか?








Interview03 J.P.Morgan Profile JPモルガン証券株式会社 投資銀行本部 森 世羅(SEIRA MORI) 2012年入社

入社を決めたきっかけは何ですか? インターンシップは役立ちましたか?







周りの人が優秀で士気が高く、かつ社員同士の仲も良く、その上、仕事は刺激的で、働く上で最高の環境であると感じています。案件が大詰めの段階になると通常より遅くまで働くこともありますし、通常時でも一度に多くの仕事を抱えることもありますが、尊敬できる上司や先輩、やる気に満ちた後輩に恵まれ、常にポジティブな雰囲気の中で仕事をできるからこそ、毎日「この会社で働いていて良かったな」と思えます。J.P.モルガンは、目先の利益ではなく、クライアントとの長期的なリレーションを大切にしています。“First-class business in a first-class way”(一流のビジネスを一流の方法で実践する)という企業理念のもと、常に長期的視野に立ち、クライアントの意向や声を聞きながら最適なソリューションを提供したいという共通意識を持つチームと共にJ.P.モルガンで働いていることを誇りに感じています。

Interview04 Morgan Stanley モルガン・スタンレー・インベストメント・マネジメント株式会社 債券統括本部 小成 貴臣(TAKAOMI KONARI)2014年入社



入社を決めたきっかけは何ですか? インターンシップは役立ちましたか?





就職活動を振り返ってみて良かったと思うことは、自分が仕事に求めることと仕事から求められることの両方を吟味したことです。自分の理想とする職場はどんなところでどのような優先順位を持っているのか、自分の強みと弱みはどこなのか ‐ それらを軸に、自身のマクロ経済・世界情勢などへの興味を踏まえ、世界の動向を反映するマーケットの仕事にたどり着きました。また、キャリアのスタートにあたって、自分の強みのひとつである日英両言語を生かせる場所はどこなのかを突き詰めた結果、東京で働くという結論に至りました。これらは一例に過ぎませんが、将来長い時間を過ごす職場を選ぶためには、さまざまな点を吟味されることをお勧めします。その上で、もしモルガン・スタンレーが合っていると思われたならば、奮ってご応募ください。やる気に満ち溢れた優秀な方々と働けることを楽しみにしています。

Interview05 シティグループ証券株式会社 Profile シティグループ証券株式会社 市場部門 アシスタント・バイス・プレジデント 望月 理子(Riko Mochizuki) 2016年入社

入社を決めたきっかけは何ですか? インターンシップは役立ちましたか?Why did you join Citi? Did internship help?

I decided to work for Citi after completing an eleven-week-long internship program, which Citi kindly extended by a week upon my request to experience more. I believe internships are prerequisite in making a well-informed decision not only about which company to work for but also a career path that fits ones’ skills and life objectives. The financial industry, comprised of multiple layers of sub-industries, offers an array of roles –the internships are great way to understand these different businesses. Had I not interned for Citi, I would have never known my profession, structuring, even existed. The internships can also educate students about the firms’ culture –which is the most significant factor that differentiates one firm from others as all firms ultimately do the same at least in the eyes of college students. Lastly, it’s never too early to do them. My first internship was when I was a freshman in college: I called over 30 firms as soon as I enrolled until I’ve heard from one kind firm that made an exception to accommodate a student right out of high school –interned there for a year while taking classes as a full-time student. I had two other internships in the following years, of which one being at Citi in my penultimate year of college. Through these real-world learning experiences, I have met many who helped me guide to a path most suitable for myself and was able to identify the type of people I would like to work with.

メイン業務を簡単に説明してください。What are your key responsibilities?

My role at Citi is structuring where I primarily use notes and over-the-counter (OTC) options/swaps as wrappers to create and facilitate financial products tailored to investors’ complex risk-return objectives. I constantly work with many different businesses across the firm: sales, trading, quants, IT, operations, legal, and documentation specialists –sitting both here and overseas –to price, originate and execute these products. The structuring role is multifaceted: one day, I might be asked to explain the underlying causes for some price fluctuations to the sales, while on the following day, I might be spending a day discussing with the quants and trading about the pricing capability for new payoffs, and separately preparing necessary paperwork with the documentation specialists to onboard a new client –thus this nature of the various functions makes structuring a rather an esoteric field. I specially feel rewarded when I am able to propose different schemes to meet the clients’ price target and they become exclusive trades as a result. I feel globally connected when I am able to work with my colleagues overseas to improve various pricing platforms while exchanging our market colors –actively taking advantage of being at a leading global bank. I enjoy how my responsibilities not only challenge myself to continuously advance my learning but also give an opportunity to build partnerships with other functions within the global organization, even as a junior –much earlier than I had anticipated.

当社で働く一番のモチベーションは何ですか?What do you find most motivating working at Citi?

My biggest motivation for working at Citi is to be able to work with and learn from some of the smartest people across the globe. If you are eager to steepen your learning curve, many seniors at Citi are committed not only to invest their time and energy to train you, but also to take risk for you to stretch and challenge. For my first year, I was already pricing and executing large trades, while working to implement new structures in our pricing platform –and although all were challenging, my senior colleagues were there to support when I encountered difficulties. These qualities are not limited to regional levels –but are shared globally. I specially saw these qualities during my summer internship as well as the first-year NY training. Despite of being an intern sitting in Tokyo, the seniors from London and New York desks willingly helped me in working on my project. At the NY training, I saw many go above and beyond to make sure new graduates were getting the best training on the street by providing lectures, desk rotations, networking events with senior managers and mentorship. As I become more experienced, I hope to give back the same level of commitment to the new grads.

就職活動中の学生へのアドバイスを1つお願いします。If you could give one piece of advice to students, what would it be?

Meet as many people with as many backgrounds as possible, via networking events, internships, mentorship programs with your alumni and professors, or even visiting your family members’ workplace. In my view, identifying the right type of people to work with is equally as important as finding your field of passion, and is often understated in the process of “Shukatsu”. Ultimately, you spend as much, if not more, time with your colleagues than with your own families, -thus it is crucial to assess if the culture of the company compliments your personality and lifestyles, and its people demonstrate similar values, by actively reaching out to different crowds.