London Career Forum ONLINE | CFN (CareerForum.Net)
For UK/EU students and job seekerswho have resided in UK/EU in the past
Event Ended
Participation Qualifications
Japanese-English bilingual currently attending UK/EU university (includes exchange)
Japanese-English bilingual who attended UK/EU university in the past (includes exchange)
Work experience in UK/EU, has or currently pursuing MBA degree
Date & Schedule
By participating both days, you will be able to understand
more about the companies and make full use of London CF Online.
Company short seminars & networking event
- Get to know & discover companies -
The key to job hunting is to increase the number of companies you know. As with the Career Forms held in-person, you will have the chance to interact with company representatives. You can get an overview of the company by participating in their seminars, and directly ask questions at the networking event.
Networking between job seekers and group advising will also be available.
Saturday, 9th April 2022 British time (summer time) 10:00~13:00
Event details
1. Orientation 10 min.
2. Company Short Seminar 90 min. (5 x 15 min. includes break)
3. Networking with companies 30 min. (2 x 15 min.)
4. Networking with job seekers / CFN advising 30 min.
Seminars from London CF Online Participating Companies & Q&A
Understand the positions and interview process
Get details about the positions available by companies actively looking to hire UK/EU students. Learn what companies are looking for in candidates, common characteristics of successful employees, hear stories from employees with study abroad experience as well as tips on interviews, selection process, etc. You'll also have a chance to directly ask company representatives questions via Q&A.
Utilize this opportunity as past participants have to efficiently gather company information at once.
Sunday, 10th April 2022 British time (summer time) 9:00~13:00
35 min./slot (Seminar + Q&A)
Each slot will have up to 3 companies
Participating Companies
Accenture / APPLE / Bloomberg L.P. / British American Tobacco Japan, Ltd. / Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC / Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC / EY Japan / KONAMI Group / KPMG Japan / Mitsubishi Corporation / Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. / NTT DATA Corporation / PwC Japan Group / SEGA CORPORATION / Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation / SoftBank Corp.
As of April 1, 2022. (updated as needed)
All you need to know about London CF Online
To fully take advantage of London CF Online and details about participating companies
1Prep seminar: Preparation for a successful Career Forum experience
Understand the event schedule, how past participants navigated the event, how to create CFN resume. TypeWebinar & Q&A session via chat
*Same content for 1st and 2nd time
2[New seminar added!] Prep seminar: Guide on London CF Online & Utilizing multiple Career Forums
CFN will share tips and advice from past participants who have landed offers through the Career Forum. This is a must-attend seminar for those participating in the London CF Online as well as future Career Forums such as the Tokyo Summer and Boston Career Forum for full-time and internship positions. TypeWebinar with Q&A session via chat
*Same seminar content as 2/20, 3/5, 3/6
3Job offer seminar
Get interview tips and hear stories from past Career Forum participants with study abroad experience in UK & France who received job offers at the event TypeZoom meeting with video and mic on to be able to directly ask questions
Students will gather at UCL and CFN staff will conduct seminar & advising via online. TypeIn-person and online (hybrid)
Why participate: 1. Interact with other job seekers 2. Individual advising 3. After seminar, participate in social event hosted by UCL Japan Society
*All students can participate
Prevention measures
Ventilated room, face masks required, appropriate seating arrangement for social distancing
[Important] for participants
Prior registration is required (For Track and Trace contact)
To enter, Proof of negative test of Later Flow Test
Event Location
Institute of Education, University of London (IOE)
Address:20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL
Participating via online will not be available.
5Introduction of participating companies
Get information you can only get here about the participating companies actively looking to hire UK & EU students. It's a must attend seminar to discover new companies and get information about companies your are interested in applying to. TypeWebinar & Q&A session via chat