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Home Career Forum CAREER JAPAN 2024
Career Japan 2020

Event description

Year-round recruitment event with companies actively looking for foreign talents. Join the event to get interviewed by companies and start your career in Japan
Companies’ application page will be available until December 31, 2024. Browse job opening and apply to companies through each company’s application page.
Selection process and application deadline vary by each company. Please check the details on each company’s application page.

Qualifications to Participate

Those who meet both of the following qualifications
Graduates or students currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s or higher degree program( Master, PhD, etc)
Minimum of beginner level of Japanese
Became a Member

Voice of candidates who received job offer using Career Forum

First, I didn’t suppose that I could join an interview in the career forum. Start from join and follow the rules and regulations. I could experience that I had on a career forum. Such as what should we prepare for the interview and what should give attention to in an interview.From my experiences, the first thing we should prepare for the interview is a language, especially when you desire to work in a Japanese company, excepting English, at least you understand and could interact with Japanese although a few. Practice an interview before we get an interview with the company is important. It would make you know your mistake and could improve about yourself. Giving attention when we interview with a company is needed. Greetings and politeness are important when we do the interview. Do not be too nervous while doing the interview. It would make broke the concentration even make we could not focus on the question that we got from the company while interview. That is all about my experience. Don’t give up on seeking a job.

Julita / Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia)

If you are interested in Working in Japan, it’s better if you learn the language. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but try to improve your Japanese as much as possible because it would become an appealing point to the recruiters, especially if you are not a Japanese language major student. My advice if you are not confident in your Japanese, prepare answers in advance for typical interview questions such as self-introduction, your educational background, your strengths and weaknesses, why do you want to work in Japan, why do you want to work for a company that you are applying to, your career plan, etc. Prepare the answer in Japanese, and try to practice those answers until you are comfortable with it. After that, try to find the matching points between the skills that you have, or your career interest, with the recruiter’s needs for the position that you are applying to, and sell those matching points during the interview. Lastly, do some research about Japanese Interview. Japan has a different way to do an interview. For example: dress code, interview manners, body language, you cannot become friendly with the interviewer, you cannot go out of topic during the interview, and many more.

Raka / University of Indonesia

Job―hunting TIPS from CFN

To get job offers using CFN, first you will need a high-quality resume in Japanese.
With good resume, you can get invited for interviews, gain experience in interviews and build you confidence in job-hunting.
Here are some pointers to help you build your resume in Japanese.
  • Here please tell us about what you learn during university/
    If you have study abroad experience, list your home university as university 1, and your study abroad university as university 2.
    Simple explanation about your study major. What did you learn in that major and why did you choose to study that in the first place?
    Explain about your graduation thesis or project too. What is the goal of the project? How did you progress with the thesis?
    Aside from university work, what are your other activities or interest during university. How did you grow as a person from that experience? If you had a chance to study abroad, why did you choose to study abroad? What did you learn from your study abroad experience?
  • List your experience working here. Internship experience is also welcome.
    (For part-time work/ arubaito, write it under self-PR instead)
    Company name, what the company do, period you were working
    Your work role and responsibility
    What did you learn from that work/internship experience
  • Here the company wants to know your personality and strength relative to other candidates
    Your strength with the relevant episodes/ story to back it up
    Your weakness and how did you try to overcame it
    Why did you choose to study overseas?
    Why are you interested to work in Japan?
    Also list your language skill such as JLPT or TOEFL/TOEIC score too
  • Upload 1-minute self-introduction video in Japanese.
    Cover your academic background, your strength that you want to emphasize.
    Make sure to make it professional as possible. Wear suit or jacket, look directly to camera, and speak in clear and concise Japanese. With this the company will have a much better evaluation of you.
    We recomeend you to create a script of what you want to say before taking the video.