WASEDA ACADEMY CO.,LTD.'s Corporate Profile

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Home Career Forum OnLine Career Forum 2017 -Winter- WASEDA ACADEMY CO.,LTD.'s Company Profile


Integrated cram school

Company PR

「東大・医学部・ハーバードに一番近い小学生たちの英語塾」—。 これが早稲田アカデミーIBSのコンセプトです。 お父さん、お母さんにもご一緒に英語の授業を受けて頂きながら、小1からスタートした場合、小4修了時までに英検2級(大学入試センターレベル)取得を目指します。 IBSは「お遊び英語」や、いわゆる「英会話教室」ではありません。 目指すのは「読めて、聴けて、表現できる」英語力。英語で発想し、英語でイメージできる「英語脳」、「バイリンガル脳」の開発です。 早稲田アカデミーIBSは次代のリーダー育成に本気です。

Who We Are

Business Profile

Creating New Standards / The Strive for the Best

1. Prep school for junior, high, college entrance examinations 2. English Education at Waseda Academy IBS 3. Venue for mock exams

Service / Product Features

Teaching English in English

The educational concept at Waseda Academy IBS deviates from traditional English teaching methods in Japan, and focuses on teaching English in English. We imagine this is how you yourself have acquired the language from an early age. We ask you to help provide the same experience of learning, interacting, and enjoying English novels. Regardless, if you feel like your English education has room for growth, and wish to explore alternative methods that are more constructive and worthwhile, join us.

What We Do

Job description -English classes for students in elementary to high school -Consultation for students and parents on English and higher education -Management of classes and teachers -Development of new curriculum and educational materials -Training new instructors -Research on English teaching methods

Work Environment

Company Qualities

A special English school taught by bilinguals

Forty-two years with the educational philosophy of "Cultivating passion in students to strive for the best," we have become an integrated educational corporation with stellar domestic achievements in supporting students to pass entrance exams for the most competitive junior and senior high schools in Japan. We established "Waseda Academy Integrated Bilingual School (IBS)" in 2012. This is a special English school taught by bilingual instructors, which provides unprecedented and innovative English education in Japan. This school is supervised by a linguistics education scholar from Harvard University.

Office Environment and Culture


In our educational philosophy lies two messages, one to raise students to always strive to do their best, and the other to teach with passion. Delivering excellent service for the students is crucial, yet our ultimate goal is to promote their growth and help them achieve their dream. In order to motivate and lead the students towards success, the educators ourselves must be purely dedicated to run alongside them. We believe extraordinary possibilities lie ahead, and we support them to become the next great leaders.

Future Team Members

“Role models” for the students

Although the core of our school is English education, our staff is fluent both in English and Japanese. We wish the students to immerse themselves in an active environment where they will be taught by native English speakers. On the other hand, the ability to communicate in Japanese enables us to build strong parent-teacher relationships, which plays a crucial role in the learning process. We also aim to serve as “role models” for the students, as an example of a global individual who has experienced similar hardships of language acquisition and higher education.

Work Environment

Our schools

Our three schools are located in different areas: Ochanomizu, Kunitachi, and Minami-Osawa. Each situated in the proximity of the station, it promises convenient access. We offer excellent facilities, including an exclusive library with comfortable beanbags and lighting to ensure relaxation. The classrooms are equipped with technological devices to enhance student learning and engagement, along with specially-designed seats to promote good posture and concentration.

Work Atmosphere

A warm and cooperative workplace

We are committed to creating a warm and cooperative workplace, where we value workers from diverse backgrounds. We believe respecting the talents and perspectives of our fellow individuals is key to success. Each employee has constant opportunities to voice their opinions to suggest ways to enhance and expand. As our schools operate as close-knit teams, it is easy to reach out and ask for a helping hand, while the contributions of each worker is valued immensely. We also work with flexible hours, allowing workers to manage and balance their social life.

HRD System

Training Programs

【各雇用形態共通】 新人講師・事務研修、新人基本動作研修、部研修、全体研修全体会、運動会 他 【正社員・契約社員】 新入社員研修、システム研修、管理職登用研修、全体研修専任会 他


【正社員】 交通費規定支給(月額4万円まで)、社会保険完備(厚生年金保険・健康保険・雇用保険・労災保険)、慶弔見舞金、従業員持株会、定期健康診断、優待施設(宿泊施設・レジャー施設の利用割引)、報奨金制度、団体生命保険、永年勤続表彰(10年・20年・30年)、退職金 他 【契約社員】 正社員に準じ、契約条件により異なる 【時間講師(アルバイト)】 交通費規定支給(月額4万円まで)

Company Information

Year Founded



Tokyo Toshima


Shinya Furuta


968 Million Yen

Annual Sales

22.1 Billion Yen(2018/03)

Number of Employees
(as of 2018/03) 単体、パート・アルバイト除く