Osaka Career Forum 2024

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Home Career Forum Osaka Career Forum 2024
July 6th (Sat.)
Japanese-English bilingual job fair in Osaka

Career Forum held in Osaka once a year in the Kansai area. It’s not just company information sessions, but an event with a chance to interview with companies and even receive a job offer by the end of the event. For those of you who want to work for a global company or want to make the most of your English ability, this is a must-attend event.

  • Interviews take place during the event. Chance to get a job offer!
  • Find full-time employment positions! There are also internships and mid-careeer positions!
  • Global companies from all over the world will be participating!

List of Participating Companies & Job Postings

44 companies participating!

, and more!

List of Participating Companies & Job Postings

3 Steps for Getting Results at Career Forum

Applying to companies online before the Career Forum is key to getting results.

  • step 1

    Get your CFN Resume Ready

    Create your CFN resume (Japanese/English). Click here for reference on how to complete your resume.

  • step 2

    Apply to Companies

    Apply to companies of interest before the event so companies can begin the screening process and possibly set up interviews before and during the event.

  • step 3

    Participate in the Career Forum

    Visit companies you have applied to as well as those you have not as walk-ins. Make the most of your time and meet new companies.

Event Information

Date July 6th (Sat.), 2024
Address HERBIS HALL B2F, HERBIS OSAKA, 2-5-25Umeda, Kita-Ku,Osaka
TEL 06-6343-7800
Participating Companies List Please click here to checkarrow_forward
Japanese-English bilingual* with (including expected) a Bachelor's or higher degree.

    (Examples of participants)

  • Recent graduates or students currently enrolled in a Bachelor's or higher degree program (Master, MBA, Ph.D., etc.) outside of Japan
  • Recent graduates or students currently enrolled in a Bachelor's or higher degree program (Master, MBA, Ph.D., etc.) in Japan and have study abroad experience
  • Have lived abroad or in a global environment regardless of study abroad experience
  • Professionals with study abroad or work experience outside of Japan

*A minimum of beginner level in both Japanese and English

Event Schedule
July 6th (Sat.), 2024
8:45 Registration opens
9:00 Pre-event seminar
10:00 Event starts
16:30 Registration closes
17:00 Event ends,CFN seminar

Note The event site will close at 17:00 on July 6th (Sat.) and you will not be able to apply to companies after that.

CFN will share how to fully utilize the Career Forum for a successful job search experience. Join the seminar before the start of the event to receive last-minute tips and advice. This is perfect for those participating in the Career Forum for the first time.

Seminar on how to effectively present your experienecs and skills by understanding what interviewers are looking for during interviews.
Important points about self-pr and interviews will be explained.
Especially useful for those who are graduating in 2025 or those who have already started with their job search !

When July 6th (Sat.), 2024, 10:30AM - 16:55PM (1 slot = 25min)
Where Osaka Career Forum event hall

How to make your resume shine! CFN will review your Japanese resume and give direct feedback. Sign up below to book your Resume Review.
* Japanese resumes only.

When July 6th (Sat.), 2024, 10:30AM - 16:55PM (1 slot = 25min)
Where Osaka Career Forum event hall

Your chance to experience a mock interview at the Career Forum! Practice how to talk about yourself in a short period of time and learn skills that can help you progress onto the next interview stage. Also includes valuable feedback.

* Japanese interviews only.
* Slots are limited so please refrain from cancelling on the day.

The Boston Career Forum, the world's largest Career Forum for Japanese-English bilinguals. Held annually in Boston, this year, the event will take place Nov. 17 - 19 with approximately 170 companies participating. This seminar will explain what the Boston Career Forum is, when and how to best prepare for a successful three day job hunting event.

No reservation required. Admitted on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

[Participation Benefit] Present for Career Forum Participants

Benefit 1 : First 300 attendees will receive a 2,000 Yen-worth Amazon gift card

The first 300 participants who attend the Osaka Career Forum 2024 will receive a 2,000 Yen-worth Amazon gift card.
  • You will receive a voucher when you check-in at registration.
  • You can redeem the voucher for a gift card at Headquarter between 16:00 - 17:00

Benefit 2 : First 400 Career Forum attendees will receive a free lunch!

For the first 400 participants to the Osaka Career Forum 2024 will
receive a light lunch. Take a quick bite to help you get through the rest of the day!
  • You will receive a lunch voucher when you check-in at registration.
    (Offer only available to first 400 participants who enter the Career Forum by 13:00.)
  • You can exchange the lunch voucher at Headquarter between 12:00 - 14:00 to receive your special lunch.

Follow us for the latest info!

Download the CFN App for easy check in!

During the Career Forum, you will need to check in at registration every day before entering the event hall. With the CFN app, you can check in, view information on participating companies, review your interview/seminar schedules, and more!
Please ensure you download the CFN App and update it to the most recent version in advance to allow for smooth entry.

Special movie

What is Career Forum?